NFT Top Expo: Highlights of July 2021

NFT Top Expo
3 min readAug 13, 2021

The first month after the FLOW NFT market launch was full of great sales!

According to this fact, we are grateful to every buyer and visitor of our marketplace!

Let’s recall the coolest events of July 2021!

NFT Top Expo Launch

Begun on June, 26th, TopExpo marketplace starts its way from splendid Dark Country NFTs.

Land Packs, Land plots, Bonus packs were available on the Flow market to be traded as simply as 1–2–3!

By the way, if you are new here, this blog post could be a nice starting point to explore TopExpo Flow Market.

Land Plots and Vampire trading on Flow

After a couple of weeks after the launch of the marketplace with just Land and Bonus Packs trading, we also added Dark Country land plots and cards to the market.

This move really boosted sales counts and amounts in the end of July — beginning of August — have a look below!

Top Dark Country Sales on NFT Top Expo

Some assets from the Dark Country game luckily gained extreme popularity and thrived in market prices.

Here is the recap of the latest top sales in descending sequence:

  • Mythical Land — 1300 Flow ($27 000 as of 04.08)
  • 5 Legendary Lands ​​~ 5 x 150 Flow ($3150 as of 04.08)
  • Governor’s Pack — 375 Flow ($8000 as of 04.08)
  • Mayor’s Pack — 100 Flow ($2135 as of 04.08)
  • Vampire card — 6.5 Flow ($139 as of 04.08).

Assets Transfer Feature

We’re also working on some smaller features to ensure maximum usability and ecently we’ve added a simple transfer feature to our marketplace.

You can now send NFT assets from your Blocto account to another Blocto account within Flow Blockchain within a couple of clicks right from your Inventory on TopExpo!

Just so you know, if you want to keep the cards in separate accounts or even make a gift to your friend — welcome to use it!

Total Stats

The following chart shows the statistics on how the platform top points were unfolded during the month.

On this occasion, we are grateful to our supporters. It is you who have created such remarkable statistics:)

Dark Country Cards and Heroes Drop — Coming Soon (TBA)

The drop of the original Dark Country Cards and Heroes is on its way too! Stay tuned for the announcements not to miss the sale!

We plan to expand the base of assets by adding original Dark Country cards so that everyone will be able to trade favorite classic collections on the Flow blockchain.

What is next?

The next milestone we would apply is adding other Flow NFT projects to the TopExpo marketplace.

We want to help both our Users and Creators: from the Users’ standpoint — to utilize the Flow NFT marketplace without hassle, and from the Creators’ side — to prove themselves as noteworthy NFT artists.

If you are ready to become a part of the TopExpo project, feel free to contact us via!

And follow us on Twitter to stay tuned to our updates.

Let’s make the Flow NFT Market stronger!



NFT Top Expo
NFT Top Expo

Written by NFT Top Expo

New NFT Marketplace on the Flow Blockchain.

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